Sunday, November 21, 2004

In The Spirit Of Monet...

P0000366, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

Ok, admittedly, Gallatin, TN is a far cry from the scenery of France, but it yields it's tender southern Beauty in many subtle ways.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


P0000845_2, originally uploaded by stjic.

A sign of winter.


P0000584, originally uploaded by stjic.

Another one by Nathan, and another one from Louisville. The sun was setting calm and peacefully from where we were, but this storm, just ten miles south of us, produced several dangerous, damaging tornadoes.

Little Red Riding Hoodie

P0000811, originally uploaded by stjic.

Now there's food for thought. Modern day fairy tales!

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's.....Superman?

P0000689, originally uploaded by stjic.

I get a kick out of this one everytime I see it!

Not a Dark Horse,

P0000654, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

By any meaning of the phrase. Yet another testament to the excellent opportunity Louisville gives to photographers. Also by Nathan.

Not in Ohio,

P0000633, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

Ironically. Actually in Louisville, KY, an amazing town, and a photographer's dream. This photo was taken by Nathan, my brother (

Celtic Cross

P0000412, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

This is one of my trademark photos, as whitnessed by my profile pic.

Happiness is

Happiness is, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

A dog, complacently chewing on a bone.


Frogprince, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

This little fellow used to keep me company. He'd jump up on the window, and sit there for hours. It provided for some good photos.

Behind The Mountains

EX000009_2, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

A beautiful picture of Sarah, reflecting on the wilds of Colorado.

A Second Spring

P0000394, originally uploaded by Tolkien Guy.

As Albert Camus said:
Autumn is a second spring, and each leaf a flower."


First Try!